
Disabled Toilet for Hire (including Weekly Service)


This disabled toilet unit is available for hire in London, Midlands, East Anglia and the South East of England.

The spacious recirculating disabled toilet with ground level floor access is designed to be large enough for a wheelchair user and carer if required.

With non-slip flooring, handrails and equipped with DDA features this makes the unit ideal for short term use where there are no existing services available. With direct floor level access it also eliminates the need for the provision of access ramps.

The unit is equipped with hand sanitiser dispenser (no sink) and some units are also fitted with baby change facilities (please specify at order – subject to availability). The toilet system is hand operated. For longer term use or if you need running water and sinks please browse other products in this category.


  • Wide door at ground level
  • Translucent / opaque roof – no lighting required during daylight hours
  • Serviced weekly
  • Integral vents
  • Occupancy signage